- Ant Design of React
- Changelogv5.24.4
- Basic Usage
- Advanced
- Migration
- Other
V4 to V5
This document will help you upgrade from antd 4.x
version to antd 5.x
version. If you are using 3.x
or older version, please refer to the previous upgrade document to 4.x.
to four layers of radius, which are 2px
and 8px
. For example, radius of default Button is modified from 2px
to 6px
.Remove less, adopt CSS-in-JS, for better support of dynamic themes. The bottom layer uses @ant-design/cssinjs as a solution.
has also been abandoned. If you need to reset some basic styles, please import antd/dist/reset.css
to pollute the global style, You can try using the App in the outermost layer to solve the problem that native elements do not have antd specification style.Remove css variables and dynamic theme built on top of them.
LocaleProvider has been deprecated in 4.x (use <ConfigProvider locale />
instead), we removed the related folder antd/es/locale-provider
and antd/lib/locale-provider
in 5.x.
Replace built-in Moment.js with Dayjs. For more: Use custom date library.
is no longer supported. CSS-in-JS itself has the ability to import on demand, and plugin support is no longer required. Umi users can remove related configurations.
// config/config.tsexport default {antd: {- import: true,},};
The classname API of the component popup box is unified to popupClassName
, and dropdownClassName
and other similar APIs will be replaced.
import { Select } from 'antd';const App: React.FC = () => (<Select- dropdownClassName="my-select-popup"+ popupClassName="my-select-popup"/>);export default App;
The controlled visible API of the component popup is unified to open
, and visible
and other similar APIs will be replaced.
changed to open
changed to open
changed to open
changed to open
is removed.tooltip
related API converged to tooltip
changed to filterDropdownOpen
.import { Modal, Tag, Table, Slider } from 'antd';const App: React.FC = () => {const [visible, setVisible] = useState(true);return (<>- <Modal visible={visible}>content</Modal>+ <Modal open={visible}>content</Modal>- <Tag visible={visible}>tag</Tag>+ {visible && <Tag>tag</Tag>}<Tabledata={[]}columns={[{title: 'Name',dataIndex: 'name',- filterDropdownVisible: visible,+ filterDropdownOpen: visible,}]}/>- <Slider tooltipVisible={visible} />+ <Slider tooltip={{ open: visible }} /></>);}export default App;
: All getPopupContainer
are guaranteed to return a unique div. This method will be called repeatedly under React 18 concurrent mode.
Upload List structure changes. #34528
in open
, Notification static methods will now have only one instance. If you need a different configuration, use useNotification
was renamed to destroy
to be consistent with message.Drawer style
& className
are migrated to Drawer panel node, the original properties are replaced by rootClassName
and rootStyle
The deprecated message.warn
in 4.x is now completely removed, please use message.warning
Remove locale-provider
Directory. LocaleProvider
was removed in v4, please use ConfigProvider
Move Comment component into @ant-design/compatible
Move PageHeader component into @ant-design/pro-components
- import { PageHeader, Comment } from 'antd';+ import { Comment } from '@ant-design/compatible';+ import { PageHeader } from '@ant-design/pro-components';const App: React.FC = () => (<><PageHeader /><Comment /></>);export default App;
BackTop is deprecated in 5.0.0
, and is merged into FloatButton.
- import { BackTop } from 'antd';+ import { FloatButton } from 'antd';const App: React.FC = () => (<div>- <BackTop />+ <FloatButton.BackTop /></div>);export default App;
Use git to save your code and install latest version:
npm install --save antd@5.x
If you want to use v4 deprecated component like Comment
or PageHeader
. You can install @ant-design/compatible
and @ant-design/pro-components
for compatible:
npm install --save @ant-design/compatible@v5-compatible-v4npm install --save @ant-design/pro-components
You can manually check the code one by one against the above list for modification. In addition, we also provide a codemod cli tool @ant-design/codemod-v5 To help you quickly upgrade to v5.
Before running codemod cli, please submit your local code changes.
# Run directly through npxnpx -p @ant-design/codemod-v5 antd5-codemod src# Or run directly through pnpmpnpm --package=@ant-design/codemod-v5 dlx antd5-codemod src
Note that codemod cannot cover all scenarios, and it is recommended to check for incompatible changes one by one.
If you using antd less variables, you can use compatible package to covert it into v4 less variables and use less-loader to inject them:
const { theme } = require('antd/lib');const { convertLegacyToken, defaultTheme } = require('@ant-design/compatible/lib');const { defaultAlgorithm, defaultSeed } = theme;const mapV5Token = defaultAlgorithm(defaultSeed);const v5Vars = convertLegacyToken(mapV5Token);const mapV4Token = theme.getDesignToken(defaultTheme);const v4Vars = convertLegacyToken(mapV4Token);// Webpack Configmodule.exports = {// ... other configloader: 'less-loader',options: {lessOptions: {modifyVars: v5Vars, // or v4Vars},},};
And then remove antd less reference in your less file:
// Your less file-- @import (reference) '~antd/es/style/themes/index';or-- @import '~antd/es/style/some-other-less-file-ref';
Remove babel-plugin-import
from package.json and modify .babelrc
"plugins": [- ["import", { "libraryName": "antd", "libraryDirectory": "lib"}, "antd"],]
Umi user can disable by config:
// config/config.ts or .umircexport default {antd: {- import: true,+ import: false,},};
Replace moment.js locale with day.js locale:
- import moment from 'moment';+ import dayjs from 'dayjs';- import 'moment/locale/zh-cn';+ import 'dayjs/locale/zh-cn';- moment.locale('zh-cn');+ dayjs.locale('zh-cn');
🚨 You need to pay attention to the day.js plugin system. If you find that the function originally in moment.js cannot be used in day.js, please refer to the day.js plugin document.
If you do not want to replace with day.js, you can use @ant-design/moment-webpack-plugin
to keep moment.js:
npm install --save-dev @ant-design/moment-webpack-plugin
// webpack-config.jsimport AntdMomentWebpackPlugin from '@ant-design/moment-webpack-plugin';module.exports = {// ...plugins: [new AntdMomentWebpackPlugin()],};
If you don't want the style to change after upgrade, we have provided a v4 theme in @ant-design/compatible
that can restore v4 style.
```sandpackconst sandpackConfig = {dependencies: {'@ant-design/compatible': 'v5-compatible-v4',},};import {defaultTheme, // Default themedarkTheme, // Dark theme} from '@ant-design/compatible';import { ConfigProvider, Button, Radio, Space } from 'antd';export default () => (<ConfigProvider theme={defaultTheme}><Space direction="vertical"><Button type="primary">Button</Button><Radio.Group><Radio value={1}>A</Radio><Radio value={2}>B</Radio><Radio value={3}>C</Radio><Radio value={4}>D</Radio></Radio.Group></Space></ConfigProvider>);
Ant Design v5 using :where
css selector to reduce CSS-in-JS hash priority. You can use @ant-design/cssinjs
to cancel this function. Please ref Compatible adjustment.
We do not recommend multiple versions coexist, it will make the application more complex (such as style override, ConfigProvider not reused, etc.). It's better to use micro-applications such as qiankun for page level development.
$ npm install --save antd-v5@npm:antd@5# or$ yarn add antd-v5@npm:antd@5# or$ pnpm add antd-v5@npm:antd@5
The package.json will be:
{"antd": "4.x","antd-v5": "npm:antd@5"}
Now, antd in your project is still v4, and antd-v5 is v5.
import React from 'react';import { Button as Button4 } from 'antd'; // v4import { Button as Button5 } from 'antd-v5'; // v5export default () => (<><Button4 /><Button5 /></>);
Then config prefixCls
of ConfigProvider to avoid style conflict:
import React from 'react';import { ConfigProvider as ConfigProvider5 } from 'antd-v5';export default () => (<ConfigProvider5 prefixCls="ant5"><MyApp /></ConfigProvider5>);
If you encounter problems during the upgrade, please go to GitHub issues for feedback. We will respond and improve this document as soon as possible.