Importimport{ Progress }from"antd"; |
Sourcecomponents/progress |
Importimport{ Progress }from"antd"; |
Sourcecomponents/progress |
If it will take a long time to complete an operation, you can use Progress
to show the current progress and status.
Common props ref:Common props
Properties that shared by all types.
Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
format | The template function of the content | function(percent, successPercent) | (percent) => percent + % | - |
percent | To set the completion percentage | number | 0 | - |
showInfo | Whether to display the progress value and the status icon | boolean | true | |
status | To set the status of the Progress, options: success exception normal active (line only) | string | - | |
strokeColor | The color of progress bar | string | - | - |
strokeLinecap | To set the style of the progress linecap | round | butt | square , see stroke-linecap | round | - |
success | Configs of successfully progress bar | { percent: number, strokeColor: string } | - | - |
trailColor | The color of unfilled part | string | - | - |
type | To set the type, options: line circle dashboard | string | line | |
size | Progress size | number | [number | string, number] | { width: number, height: number } | "small" | "default" | "default" | 5.3.0, Object: 5.18.0 |
Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
steps | The total step count | number | - | - |
rounding | The function to round the value | (step: number) => number | Math.round | 5.24.0 |
strokeColor | The color of progress bar, render linear-gradient when passing an object, could accept string[] when has steps . | string | string[] | { from: string; to: string; direction: string } | - | 4.21.0: string[] |
percentPosition | Progress value position, passed in object, align indicates the horizontal position of the value, type indicates whether the value is inside or outside the progress bar | { align: string; type: string } | { align: "end", type: "outer" } | 5.18.0 |
Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
steps | The total step count.When passing an object, count refers to the number of steps, and gap refers to the distance between them.When passing number, the default value for gap is 2. | number | { count: number, gap: number } | - | 5.16.0 |
strokeColor | The color of circular progress, render gradient when passing an object | string | { number%: string } | - | - |
strokeWidth | To set the width of the circular progress, unit: percentage of the canvas width | number | 6 | - |
Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
steps | The total step count.When passing an object, count refers to the number of steps, and gap refers to the distance between them.When passing number, the default value for gap is 2. | number | { count: number, gap: number } | - | 5.16.0 |
gapDegree | The gap degree of half circle, 0 ~ 295 | number | 75 | |
gapPosition | The gap position, options: top bottom left right | string | bottom | |
strokeWidth | To set the width of the dashboard progress, unit: percentage of the canvas width | number | 6 |
Token Name | Description | Type | Default Value |
circleIconFontSize | Icon size of circular progress bar | string | 1.1666666666666667em |
circleTextColor | Text color of circular progress bar | string | rgba(0,0,0,0.88) |
circleTextFontSize | Text size of circular progress bar | string | 1em |
defaultColor | Default color of progress bar | string | #1677ff |
lineBorderRadius | Border radius of line progress bar | number | 100 |
remainingColor | Color of remaining part of progress bar | string | rgba(0,0,0,0.06) |