A popup component for guiding users through a product.
Importimport{ Tour }from"antd"; |
Sourcecomponents/tour |
Versionsupported since 5.0.0 |
When To Use
Use when you want to guide users through a product.
Horizontal offset:
Vertical offset:
Common props ref:Common props
Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
arrow | Whether to show the arrow, including the configuration whether to point to the center of the element | boolean |{ pointAtCenter: boolean} | true | |
closeIcon | Customize close icon | React.ReactNode | true | 5.9.0 |
disabledInteraction | Disable interaction on highlighted area. | boolean | false | 5.13.0 |
gap | Control the radius of the highlighted area and the offset between highlighted area and the element. | { offset?: number | [number, number]; radius?: number } | { offset?: 6 ; radius?: 2 } | 5.0.0 (array type offset : 5.9.0) |
placement | Position of the guide card relative to the target element | center left leftTop leftBottom right rightTop rightBottom top topLeft topRight bottom bottomLeft bottomRight | bottom | |
onClose | Callback function on shutdown | Function | - | |
mask | Whether to enable masking, change mask style and fill color by pass custom props | boolean | { style?: React.CSSProperties; color?: string; } | true | |
type | Type, affects the background color and text color | default primary | default | |
open | Open tour | boolean | - | |
onChange | Callback when the step changes. Current is the previous step | (current: number) => void | - | |
current | What is the current step | number | - | |
scrollIntoViewOptions | support pass custom scrollIntoView options | boolean | ScrollIntoViewOptions | true | 5.2.0 |
indicatorsRender | custom indicator | (current: number, total: number) => ReactNode | - | 5.2.0 |
zIndex | Tour's zIndex | number | 1001 | 5.3.0 |
getPopupContainer | Set the rendering node of Tour floating layer | (node: HTMLElement) => HTMLElement | body | 5.12.0 |
Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
target | Get the element the guide card points to. Empty makes it show in center of screen | () => HTMLElement | HTMLElement | - | |
arrow | Whether to show the arrow, including the configuration whether to point to the center of the element | boolean { pointAtCenter: boolean} | true | |
closeIcon | Customize close icon | React.ReactNode | true | 5.9.0 |
cover | Displayed pictures or videos | ReactNode | - | |
title | title | ReactNode | - | |
description | description | ReactNode | - | |
placement | Position of the guide card relative to the target element | center left leftTop leftBottom right rightTop rightBottom top topLeft topRight bottom bottomLeft bottomRight | bottom | |
onClose | Callback function on shutdown | Function | - | |
mask | Whether to enable masking, change mask style and fill color by pass custom props, the default follows the mask property of Tour | boolean | { style?: React.CSSProperties; color?: string; } | true | |
type | Type, affects the background color and text color | default primary | default | |
nextButtonProps | Properties of the Next button | { children: ReactNode; onClick: Function } | - | |
prevButtonProps | Properties of the previous button | { children: ReactNode; onClick: Function } | - | |
scrollIntoViewOptions | support pass custom scrollIntoView options, the default follows the scrollIntoViewOptions property of Tour | boolean | ScrollIntoViewOptions | true | 5.2.0 |
Design Token
Component TokenHow to use?
Token Name | Description | Type | Default Value |
closeBtnSize | Close button size | number | 22 |
primaryNextBtnHoverBg | Hover background color of next button in primary type | string | rgb(240,240,240) |
primaryPrevBtnBg | Background color of previous button in primary type | string | rgba(255,255,255,0.15) |
zIndexPopup | Tour popup z-index | number | 1070 |
Global TokenHow to use?